Important Information about Insurance Benefits

I direct bill with Canada Life, Sunlife, Manulife and Blue Cross. Most plans have easy apps you can use to submit for reimbursement on your own. Please check the conditions of your benefit plan with your insurer (some require a deductible to be paid, others require a prescription). Knowing the details and conditions of your plan is your responsibility.

Insurance companies use analytics to cross reference with each other. You will be held accountable if information about secondary coverage from a spouse, partner or parent is withheld during intake.

Insurance benefits are intended to be used for illness or injury. This can include, but is not limited to:


chronic pain and stiffness
sport injury
activity of daily living injury
slip and fall
acute back injury
overuse injuries
rotator cuff injury
underuse injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonopathy)
muscle or tendon strains
ligament sprains
joint and connective tissue bruising
spinal cord injury and rel. disabilities
nerve impingement
concussion/post concussion syndrome
physical pain or muscle tension in back, neck, legs, shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists, feet, hands

**for severe injuries see your Doctor or a Physiotherapist first


stress related tension
chronic low back pain
neuropathy (nerve pain, sciatic pain)
multiple sclerosis
sleep disorders
headaches, migraines and/or eye strains